The Pedagogical
Section Council
of North America

School Visits

Members of the PSC are available to visit schools. These visits may cover topics that come under the umbrella title of Deepening. In recent years, visits have covered such topics as:

  • Meditation for individuals and/or in the context of faculty or College of Teachers meetings.
  • An approach to the study of Anthroposophy that brings it to life.
  • Formation and functioning of a College of Teachers.
  • Responsible Innovation.
  • Study of the Core Principles of Waldorf Education.
  • Who Shall Teach the Teachers: The Christ Impulse and Waldorf Education.

The content of each visit is determined by consultation between the school and the visitor.

Schools that wish to invite a Council member may contact the PSC Chair.

Schools are responsible for transportation and hospitality.
The consultation fee is $750/day.